Who are our Global Green Partners?
These would consist of benefactors, entrepreneurs, governments, manufacturers, environment consultants and advocates, carbon project investors & financiers, environmental technology groups etc. We are in a position to create value projects in order that you, our participating partner and investor can confidently invest in the programs and manage your carbon responsibilities efficiently, effectively and even profitably.
Through Partnerships’ investments we initiate and develop viable projects involving governments, corporations, technology transferors and communities. Partners would benefit from these projects as these would generate valued carbon credits and that could in turn give a substantial return on investments to the investors.
Corporate Social Responsibility:
Within our CSR program where these projects are developed, we return to the local communities a substantial share between 50% & 80% of our local project profits.
Profits returned to the Communities and State will be more directed and focused towards new energy technology research and development.
Strategies for Tapping Hydro’s Potential
The growth potential for hydropower is significant. To realize this potential, careful attention to business and political strategy is needed.
Hydro plays a central role in the world electric power system. It is dominant in a few countries, and plays a role in 160 nations. Along with coal and nuclear, hydro is the backbone of electrification. And, the potential for hydro is barely tapped. Not only are there many new projects to be pursued, but hydro also can play an even more central role in future electric power systems. It can also help societies do a better job in managing scarce water resources. |